Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Step Three

Bluebird by Cat age 5

We've just finished our paper mache birds! We did small steps each week along with our regular projects, and this week we finished painting them! I put little Hans, one of our live canaries, on the table for us to use as inspiration while we painted. I'll tell you, the amount of energy generated by the kids in the studio today could have fueled a rocket ship to the moon! I'll post more finished birds after classes are done tomorrow. Now, I'll put my feet up!

Peacock by Annie, age 9.5

Cecilia, Annie, Ilana and Cat proudly show their birds!
Birds in the grass by David, Age 8 and Kevin, Age 8

Thomas, Age 7

Caleb, Age 6

Liam, Age 6


  1. I'm just visiting your site to get the time for the class today. The music is so nice, I'll be minimizing the screen and listening/whistling while I work. Best.

  2. You really shine as a teacher. All the birds are wonderful and their parents will treasure these birds forever. It just shows what a good teacher can pull out of little children.
