Saturday, October 10, 2009

People, Food, Fun and Life!

Today was so fun!
The first Day of the Dead Teatro class produced some beautiful treasures!
(Click on the photo above to enlarge.)
This project brought out the miniaturist in some, the magpie in others and the sweet sentimentalist in all.
I love the Day of the Dead celebrations, and the invitation it extends to loved ones to come back and visit the pleasures in life.
, food, fun and life!

I will hold this class at least once more before November, so come play with us!


  1. hi patrice,

    just back from kendra's wedding and catching up. your class looks great!!!!!! i can't wait to enjoy seeing what is ahead!!!!! wishing we could be there to join a big way!!

    love-love-love you! cory

  2. this class was fantastic. I love my teatro! thanks for offering this class.
