Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Fall StudioTime Schedule!

StudioTime Fall 2016

The 2016 Fall semester will begin the MondaySeptember 5th(Labor Day) and run 14 weeks through the third week of December (The last week is December 12-15th.) There will be a Fall Break from November 21-25th. The 14 classes in the semester will be divided into four months (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) and the monthly studio fees is $133.00

Alameda StudioTime has limited spots available. The program is pay-for-your-spot, not pay as you can attend. Enrollments are considered ongoing; we reserve a space in the weekly studio class until we hear otherwise. Classes are paid for per class, by the month or for the entire semester. Monthly tuition is based on $38.00 per class divided into the amount of months in the semester and charged until a notice of cancellation. The fee covers the cost of materials. There will be no refund for missed classes. Missed classes may be made up within the semester when available. After the semester ends, any make-up class is forfeited.