Monday, June 15, 2015

Sign-up now! There are two spots remaining in the upcoming Little Monsters Workshop!

Little Monsters is a fun Alameda StudioTime Summer Workshop for kids 4-8 years old. Our theme is Monsters & Make Believe Creatures and presents projects, play, picnicking and art exploration! 
You can sign up your little monster for either T&W or Th&F or both (T,W,Th & F).  Each two-day workshop will present a different main project as well as some fun, shorter projects.

Little Monsters 1 -Tuesday & Wednesday
We will look at fun images of monsters and sketch our own creative creatures! We will enlarge that image and do a wonderful large painting on board! 
Little Monsters 2 -Thursday & Friday
Using fleece, stuffing, embroidery, etc. each young artist will create a "Monster Doll" with hand and supervised machine sewing. 

Little Monsters 
June 23, 24 25 & 26th
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m
$150 2-day or $285 4-day
Call Patrice 522-3494 for more information or to sign-up!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

More Little Monsters!

Little Monsters is a fun Alameda StudioTime 
Summer Workshop for kids 4-7 years old.
Our theme is Monsters & Make-Believe Creatures and presents projects, play, picnicking and art exploration! 
You can sign up your little monster for either 
T&W or Th&F or both (T,W,Th & F). 
Each two-day workshop will present a different 
main project as well as some fun, shorter projects.

Little Monsters 1 -Tuesday & Wednesday
We will look at fun images of monsters and sketch our own creative creatures! We will enlarge that image and do a wonderful large painting on board! 
Little Monsters 2 -Thursday & Friday
Using fleece, stuffing, embroidery, etc. each young 
artist will create a "Monster Doll" with hand and 
supervised machine sewing. 

Little Monsters 
June 23, 24 25 & 26th
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m
$150 2-day or $285 4-day
Call Patrice 522-3494 for more information or to sign-up!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Surrounded by Beauty

The 2015 StudioTime Celebration was beyond wonderful! We were surrounded by our beloved students and their family and friends. The atmosphere was charged with beauty, excitement and love! Each project grouping looked amazing and it was fun to watch each artist search for their work and share it with everyone around. I've been receiving calls and email from the community sharing their excitement and interests about StudioTime and the talented student that attend. Congratulations and thank you to everyone.